

So I have no idea what I am going to write about, because nothing interesting is really going on in my life. Also, I can't seem to get my imagination to function properly so I am just going to tell you all what happened today.

I woke up at 7 am and I felt terrible and did not want to move, finally I did at around 7:1o, I took a shower, got ready, and went to school. During school I felt like I wanted to punch a hole in the wall to keep me from going crazy because the time was going by so slow. Theology is theology, we all know what that is like with a certain someone. Then I had my break between classes and hung out with my best buds. Then there was math class, oh how I love math. That was the worst because I have no idea what we are doing and I can not seem to pay any attention in that class. Then there was economics, but I did not go because I did not feel well. Instead I decided to go home and rest before I had to go to work. So at work, I get into this huge argument with one of the customers over TWENTY CENTS. People these days are ridiculous, yes we are in a recession but come on now, twenty cents. You couldn't even buy a pack of gum with that back in the day. Anyways, this lady was GOING INSANE, so I simply said ' Miss, if this twenty cents is really that big of a deal, I will take it out of my pocket and give it to you because you are absolutely insane.' Surprise, surprise, she took it. My job is just a joke.

After work, I went to my girlfriends house, ate dinner, watched some TV, fell asleep, did homework, then went home. Oh what a day.


My experience on this tragic day.

On September 11, 2001 I was in 6th grade in my english class when I found out about the news. Twenty minutes later, my name came over the loud speaker to go to the office because my father was down there to pick me up. When I went down to the office he seemed, I guess occupied. I had asked him what was wrong and he said he was afraid that we were going to die that day. Those words petrified me, and as I sit here thinking about what happened that day, I think, " What if the hijackers had hit Staten Island", it's only about 2 miles across the river. That day, many people had been killed, friends, family, mothers, fathers, everyone knows someone or knows of someone who had died in 9/11. Personally, I lost no family members, just friends, and friends parents. I know people who have survived also.

Celebrating the 7th anniversary of this tragic day. I look back at this as a turning point in every Americans life, we became stronger as a country, we became one. After being able to get passed the terrorist attacks, I know and believe there is nothing that can bring down New York City, or the United States. There is just a sense of unity I see each and every day, especially around this time, and that is why I love the people I live near, why I love the city I live in, and why I love being a united, free citizen in the United States of America.


In high school there was a kid who would get made fun of every single day because of his sexual orientation. For obvious reasons, everyone assumed he was a homosexual, but I always think to myself.. what is the problem with a person being gay? They are the same person, same personality, they just have different tastes in people. If i may say, gay people have better personalities than straight people, most of the time. But back on subject, this kid was teased to the point that he wanted to actually kill himself. People would call him names, which I can't really repeat in this blog but it was bad. I even felt the affects of what he was going through. I think back and I wish I could have said something to keep people off of his case, but I was afraid of what people would actually think of me. I regret that each and every day that passes. I know I am a better person than I could have been, and I just wish I could apologize to him, but I would be embarrassed.